What if I were to tell you that on Lesvos, there is a 16th Century Monastery with beautiful gardens and fields, shaded by large trees, where philosophers, visionaries and students discuss and debate such concepts as Love, God, War and Peace, Human Goodness, Evil and the other forces that guide our lives? You would
probably say "Well isn't that what goes on in monasteries? Haven't the Greek Orthodox monasteries been centers of knowledge since the dark ages?
What else would they be doing in monasteries if not discussing these things, besides the day to day chores of living, and praying? Isn't this what monks do?"
But what if I told you that these are not monks, (though I assume one or two may drop in and take part from time to time) but professors and students from the University of Agder in Norway who have renovated and restored Metochi Monastery to use for seminars and courses, taught in English? Does this sound interesting? Is this something you would like to take part in or at least visit and see what is going on at this small monastery near the bay of Kaloni?

In the words of program director Kari Grødum:
“The University of Agder´s study centre in Greece is located at a monastery annex which forms part of the well-known Limonos Monastery, on the island of Lesvos. Following the foundation of the Study Centre in 1993, the University of Agder has arranged a series of seminars and courses at Metochi every year. The study centre is run on a non-profit basis. Metochi Study Centre aims to contribute to the growth of academical insight and human understanding, through
courses, conferences, seminars and studies. Subjects and programs naturally connected to the location of the Study Centre in Greece, and it being part of a Greek Orthodox monastery, are emphasized. Consequently subjects such as religion, philosophy, ethics, history, human rights, culture studies, ecology and other fields associated with the Mediterranean area are given priority. All activities at Metochi are to bear witness to the values and traditions of the monastery and the local community.”

The University of Agder arranges several studies, seminars and conferences at Metochi Study Centre every year.
For more information about this seminar, other seminars and classes or coming to study or just to visit the monastery contact Kari Grødum or Georgios Konstantinidis